Summer skin care

Summer skin care

Apr 05, 2014 Skin care 0 Comments

This is the most abundant time of the year. The pleasant warmth, the iridescence of the sun and the smooth lapping of the sea make the best of this time of year. Now is not the time to sit in the room, but to take a big breath of fresh aromas from every day, to move on foot or by bicycle, the main thing is to go outside!


The keywords in skin care are moisturizing and sun protection. You should use very light, well-absorbing creams or lotions. At this time of year, when we strip ourselves quite bare, the main focus should be on proper sun protection. Excessive tanning ages your skin mercilessly. In addition to wrinkles, unsightly pigment spots can also appear, and dehydration in the skin, which can lead to excessive dryness of the skin. Don't forget to protect your palms from excessive sun!


Here again, natural plants come to the rescue.


This plant is easy to grow indoors, it makes a nice addition to the houseplant collection. Aloe leaves contain a little salivary mass, which helps to heal, cool and soften the skin, because they contain a lot of water (99.5%). It is a natural astringent, so it can be mixed with vegetable oil for dry skin. Aloe juice is also a good hair conditioner, helps to get rid of all kinds of skin irritations and wonderfully heals sunburned skin.



Rich in natural proteins, oils and vitamins, avocado is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin and hair. Crushed avocado is very good to use as a hair conditioner. Avocado stones make a good body scrub. First they need to be dried and then crushed, then add 1 tsp. dried avocado stone powder and 2 tsp. avocado oil and further mix the mixture with half a crushed fresh avocado, you get an effective exfoliator.

Avocado tree fruits contain 70-80% water and vitamins A, B, D, E, K and trace elements copper, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium. Avocado also makes excellent oil and is usually cold-pressed. Avocado oil can be used in a number of products such as bath oils, hair products and body oils. It contains many herbal steroids that help reduce age spots and repair sun damage and scars. Also contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocado oil improves the collagen level in the body, which decreases as a person ages and wrinkles appear due to a lack of collagen.



Contains carotenoids, vitamins, flavonoids, fiber, essential oils. Reduces signs of aging, strengthens immunity. Raspberries, wild berries, strawberries, blueberries - all fresh summer berries. These jewel-colored delicacies give your skin a rosy complexion when you use them in face masks. They remove dead cells from the skin, helping the skin to breathe again, and you can make tea from the leaves of field berry and use it to rinse your hair. Crushed berry juice can be added to lip gloss recipes.



Makes the soul happy. Calendula flowers are used both fresh and dried to soften rough, dry skin. It is a natural antiseptic. Calendula makes a delightful oil, which is especially good for use in baby skin care products, giving it a wonderful color.


Honey and beeswax

Industrious bees produce 2 ingredients in summer that can be used all year round - honey and beeswax. No synthetic substance has been created that is as good as beeswax. Honey has a healing effect and almost never has any harmful effects. Strengthens the body and protects the skin from adverse external influences. It is the main ingredient in many creams, lotions and lip products. Honey is one of the best humectants and has a high potassium content, which makes it impossible for bacteria to survive there. When applied to the skin, it makes the complexion fresh, the skin soft and silky. For use on the scalp, it reduces dandruff.

Four parts of oil are used for one part of beeswax. The cream recipe could be, for example, like this: 10 g of beeswax, 40 g of hemp oil, 20 ml of distilled water. Melt the beeswax and oil slowly in a water bath at a low temperature, heat the distilled water in another pot to 37 C and add it to the oil-wax mixture, stirring all the time. Once cooled, mix in 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil.


Maple syrup

It is obtained by boiling maple sap and is a natural moisturizer. It is a material that retains moisture. Can be used as a face mask, hair conditioner or bath additives. 100% syrup is best.



Sea salt, table salt. Bath salts soothe tired muscles and skin. Salt also softens hard water and adding it to the bath water keeps the water warmer for longer. Salt dissolves very well in water and is perfect for cleaning the skin. Treats inflammatory processes and tissue swelling well. Swimming in salty sea water and inhaling sea air is perfect for summer skin care, because it improves blood circulation and cleans the respiratory tract.


Epsom salt - bitter salt, more commonly known as magnesium sulfate (Mg SO4). Traditionally, this salt is used as an ingredient in bath salts. Makes the specific gravity of water heavier and the human body starts to float on water because of it. Helps relieve stress, restores feelings of well-being. Foot bath care helps to heal cracked heels. It can be used as a base ingredient to make a great exfoliant. It is effective for bruises, sprains and bruises. Taking an Epsom salt bath for these areas for 20-30 minutes will reduce pain and swelling.



Is a major component in all living things and the most common component in today's cosmetics. The best beauty treatment is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, a little more on hot summer days when sweating is more intense. One of the main causes of wrinkles can be easily treated! Dehydration can cause headaches, irritability and a general low mood. Even your hair and skin look dull and lifeless if you don't have enough water in your body. So drink water!



Rich in nutrients. Contains minerals such as iodine, iron and also boron, chromium and zinc. It is able to penetrate the underlying skin layer and reduce fat deposits. Can be used in face and body masks, creams, cosmetic cleaners, soaps.


Fresh cucumber

Cucumber is used to revive tired eyes. A simple and effective action cools and refreshes, reduces swelling. Fresh cucumber juice has a knitting effect. Effective for cleaning sensitive skin and soothing sunburn. However, juice spoils quickly, so store this home remedy in the refrigerator.


Summer recipes that anyone can make.

Gardener's hand cream

3 tbsp. Or g grated beeswax

1 tbsp. or 15 ml of liquid lanolin

½ glass or 125 ml sesame oil (any light oil will work)

2 tbsp. or 30 ml of chamomile tea

1 tbsp. or 15 ml of coconut oil

1 teaspoon of honey

1/8 tsp. baking soda


Gardening is quite damaging to the hands. Massage a small portion of this cream on your hands and you can also apply a small amount under your nails. This hand cream is a great gift idea for any gardening friend.

Put all the ingredients in a heat-resistant glass container and place in a water bath and melt. Mix well. Pour the melted mixture into a clean container or cup and let it cool completely. Mix again when the mixture has cooled. About 120 ml


Summer cooling aloe lotion

This light lotion is very refreshing and cooling after a long day in the sun.

½ glass of aloe vera gel

1 tbsp. chamomile tea

1 tbsp. vitamin E oil

2-3 drops of peppermint oil


Mix together aloe vera gel and chamomile tea. Heat lightly, but do not boil for a few minutes in a water bath on the stove. Let the mixture cool completely and strain out the solids. Add vitamin E and peppermint oil to the mixture and mix again. Pour into a clean jar with a tight-fitting lid. For a refreshing treatment, place in the refrigerator before use. Massage onto clean skin.

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